Package update tutorial

This tutorial is up to date as of March 4, 2024

This tutorial will guide you through updating an already existing package using xbps-src.


  • basic knowledge of Git
  • basic knowledge of GitHub for contributing (have an account, know how to make a pull request)
  • basics of CLI


This tutorial described the simple procedure of changing the version and checksum of a template. Some updates have breaking changes that have to be accounted for. There is no universal way to fix it, you have to figure it out.

If a simple version update won’t cut it, you’ll have to make changes to the template. You can read the xbps-src packaging tutorial for an in-depth explanation of templates.

This tutorial is aimed at simpler packages. You likely won’t be able to update browsers, kernels, DEs and other stuff without a great amount of work.

Make sure that a PR isn’t open already

You should look in and make sure that an open PR doesn’t already make the changes you want. If there is one, you should follow PR testing tutorial.

Setting up void-packages and the masterdir

Skip this section if you have everything set up.

The procedure differs depending on whether you want to contribute your changes to void-packages or not.

If you do not want to contribute the update and you don’t plan to use void-packages in the future, you can clone the repo with

git clone --depth 1

Cloning with --depth 1 is much faster, but it doesn’t include history, which is necessary for updating the repo and it’s useful for contributing.

If you want to use void-packages in the future, you should do a full clone (void-packagesCONTRIBUTING recommends using SSH):

git clone
# Or this with HTTPS if you do not want to set up SSH keys:
#git clone

A full clone takes about 15 minutes on my computer and it occupies 626M1.

If you want to contribute, you should have a fork of void-packages set up. You should then clone it:

# Replace with your fork!vvvvvv
git clone
# Or this with HTTPS if you do not want to set up SSH keys:
# Also replace with your fork!vvvvvv
#git clone

You should also set up the upstream remote2:

git remote add upstream
# Or this with HTTPS if you do not want to set up SSH keys:
#git remote add upstream

After cloning it, you must set up a masterdir. This can be done with the following command (after you cd into the repository):

./xbps-src binary-bootstrap

This takes about two minutes on my notebook.

You can now build packages in void-packages using

./xbps-src pkg <package>

You can install built packages with

sudo xi -f <package>

(The xi utility is provided by the xtools package.)

Setting up a branch

You can skip this if you are making the update for personal use only. But having it in a separate branch is still useful for organisation.

Making pull requests from master of your fork is discouraged. You should set up a branch for your update. I will be updating khal, so I will create a branch named khal:

git checkout -b khal upstream/master

Updating package

I will be demonstrating the process on the khal package. You should do this on the package you want to update, the process is the same.

khal’s template at the time of writing this tutorial looks like this:

# Template file for 'khal'
_rundeps="python3-click python3-click-log python3-configobj python3-dateutil
 python3-icalendar python3-pytz python3-tzlocal python3-urwid python3-xdg
hostmakedepends="python3-setuptools_scm python3-Sphinx python3-sphinxcontrib $_rundeps"
checkdepends="python3-pytest python3-freezegun python3-hypothesis vdirsyncer $depends"
short_desc="Command-line calendar build around CalDAV"
maintainer="Anachron <>"
make_check=ci-skip # some tests fail when running as root

post_install() {
	vlicense COPYING

	local _pypath="${DESTDIR}/${py3_sitelib}"
	if [ "$CROSS_BUILD" ]; then

	for sh in bash fish zsh; do
		PYTHONPATH="${_pypath}" _KHAL_COMPLETE="${sh}_source" \
			"${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/khal" > "khal.${sh}"
		vcompletion "khal.${sh}" $sh

	vsconf khal.conf.sample

	PYTHONPATH="${_pypath}" make -C doc man
	vman doc/build/man/khal.1

The template uses version 0.11.2. There is a newer version 0.11.3: new version

We first have to modify the version variable to match version 0.11.3:

# Template file for 'khal'
_rundeps="python3-click python3-click-log python3-configobj python3-dateutil
 python3-icalendar python3-pytz python3-tzlocal python3-urwid python3-xdg
hostmakedepends="python3-setuptools_scm python3-Sphinx python3-sphinxcontrib $_rundeps"
checkdepends="python3-pytest python3-freezegun python3-hypothesis vdirsyncer $depends"
short_desc="Command-line calendar build around CalDAV"
maintainer="Anachron <>"
make_check=ci-skip # some tests fail when running as root

post_install() {
	vlicense COPYING

	local _pypath="${DESTDIR}/${py3_sitelib}"
	if [ "$CROSS_BUILD" ]; then

	for sh in bash fish zsh; do
		PYTHONPATH="${_pypath}" _KHAL_COMPLETE="${sh}_source" \
			"${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/khal" > "khal.${sh}"
		vcompletion "khal.${sh}" $sh

	vsconf khal.conf.sample

	PYTHONPATH="${_pypath}" make -C doc man
	vman doc/build/man/khal.1

A new version of a package should have revision always set to 1:

# Template file for 'khal'
_rundeps="python3-click python3-click-log python3-configobj python3-dateutil
 python3-icalendar python3-pytz python3-tzlocal python3-urwid python3-xdg
hostmakedepends="python3-setuptools_scm python3-Sphinx python3-sphinxcontrib $_rundeps"
checkdepends="python3-pytest python3-freezegun python3-hypothesis vdirsyncer $depends"
short_desc="Command-line calendar build around CalDAV"
maintainer="Anachron <>"
make_check=ci-skip # some tests fail when running as root

post_install() {
	vlicense COPYING

	local _pypath="${DESTDIR}/${py3_sitelib}"
	if [ "$CROSS_BUILD" ]; then

	for sh in bash fish zsh; do
		PYTHONPATH="${_pypath}" _KHAL_COMPLETE="${sh}_source" \
			"${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/khal" > "khal.${sh}"
		vcompletion "khal.${sh}" $sh

	vsconf khal.conf.sample

	PYTHONPATH="${_pypath}" make -C doc man
	vman doc/build/man/khal.1

The package won’t build now because the source archive has changed. xbps-src checksums the source archive. Because it has changed, the check will fail.

The xtools package includes a handy helper for calculating the checksums: xgensum. You just have to run:

xgensum -i khal

and it will automatically download the archive and generate the sha256sum. The -i flag will modify the template in place and it will overwrite the checksum variable.

Note that xgensum will output this:

=> xbps-src: updating software in / masterdir...
=> xbps-src: cleaning up / masterdir...
=> khal-0.11.3_1: running do-fetch hook: 00-distfiles ...
=> WARNING: khal-0.11.3_1: wrong checksum found for khal-0.11.3.tar.gz - purging
=> khal-0.11.3_1: fetching distfile 'khal-0.11.3.tar.gz' from ''...
khal-0.11.3.tar.gz: [192KB 2%] 49KB/s ETA: 00m00s
khal-0.11.3.tar.gz: 192KB [avg rate: 2361KB/s]
=> khal-0.11.3_1: verifying checksum for distfile 'khal-0.11.3.tar.gz'...
=> ERROR: SHA256 mismatch for 'khal-0.11.3.tar.gz:'
=> ERROR: khal-0.11.3_1: couldn't verify distfiles, exiting...

The last three lines are highlighted in red. You don’t have to worry about the ERROR, this is the intended behaviour of xgensum.

The package should be usable now. You can now build it with

./xbps-src pkg khal

If it doesn’t build, there is a possibility that there has been a breaking change in the update (I am speaking generally, khal specifically should build). This is a possibility that I’ve mentioned at the beginning of this page. You should check the release notes on the GitHub Releases page or a changelog if the project has one.

It might be necessary to modify the template to fix the build. There is no universal way to fix these problems, but a general understanding of xbps-src is helpful in these situations. I recommend you read the xbps-src packaging tutorial.


You should always run xlint when finishing a package. It can find common errors in templates and it enforces some stylistic choices used across void-packages.

A package update should ideally not change xlint output.

xlint khal

should output nothing.

If it does output warnings, you should fix them. But if the template is complicated and the warning did occur before you have made the changes (you haven’t caused the warnings), it is tolerable to leave the warning be. You should make a comment about it in the pull request description.

Making a pull request

Contributing is described at Contributing. You should already have a working clone of your fork, the upstream remote should be set up and you should be on a non-default branch. You can skip these parts in Contributing.

You should ensure that the branch is up to date.

To summarize, the process should look like this:


xbump khal

This will create the commit. It should look something like this:

> git show
commit c2728f03ff3db70bbd575143ae1801ca40fb2314
Author: meator <>
Date:   Sun Feb 25 12:00:00 2024 +0100

    khal: update to 0.11.3.

diff --git a/srcpkgs/khal/template b/srcpkgs/khal/template
index d43a04bef73..f56d78ad9ff 100644
--- a/srcpkgs/khal/template
+++ b/srcpkgs/khal/template
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Template file for 'khal'
 _rundeps="python3-click python3-click-log python3-configobj python3-dateutil
  python3-icalendar python3-pytz python3-tzlocal python3-urwid python3-xdg
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ license="MIT"
 make_check=ci-skip # some tests fail when running as root

 post_install() {

Then you should push the changes:

# replace khal with your branch name
git push -u origin khal

It will output a link that will open the pull request.

You should preferably ping the maintainer of the package by putting @name (for example @meator) in the pull request description. This will issue a notification to the maintainer. You don’t have to do this if the maintainer is

Orphaned <>

If that is the case and you’re interested in the package (if you aren’t interested in it, why are you updating it?), you should consider adopting the package.


There are alternative ways of cloning. They are described at different ways of cloning.