How to fetch git submodules?

Some git repos use git submodules to download dependencies. They require special attention when making xbps-src templates.


Before talking about using git submodules in templates, a few things have to be considered:

Should the dependency be a submodule?

xbps-src should handle all dependencies if possible. If the project depends on a git submodule that is already packaged in void-packages and you are sure that breakage won’t occur, you should replace the submodule with an actual packaged dependency.

If you choose this path, you will likely have to patch the build system or modify it in some other way to accept the packaged dependency. If you are knowledgeable of git submodules and upstream’s build system, you could propose a more packaging-friendly way to handle dependencies to upstream.

But if the project is using an old version of the submodule or a customized one, this likely won’t be possible. The submodule also might not be packaged.

Header only libraries also don’t really meet the quality requirements (but it depends), so packaging them as a dependency might not be reasonable. Leaving the header only dependency as a git submodule is preferable in this scenario.


If the submodule doesn’t have tags, it can’t be packaged, because it doesn’t meet quality requirements. If that is the case, it must be handled like a submodule using the methods described below.

Release archives

This tutorial assumes that the submodule isn’t included in the release archive. GitHub doesn’t include submodules in default release archives and upstream developers usually don’t care to add a proper release archive with all submodules included (which is the “correct” way to make release archives).

When submodules are included in a release archive, you don’t have to worry about submodules because they’re already there.


The proper official way to handle submodules is to add their archive to distfiles. git --recursive is not tolerable in templates. git usage in general should be avoided in templates.

To add the submodule to distfiles, you must have a link to an archive containing the submodule. To get that link, you need to know the version of the submodule that is being used in the packaged release.

Hunting for submodule archives

I will be showing this off on the gazou package.

I will show off two ways to figure out the submodule source archive. One is using GitHub UI on a project which uses GitHub Releases. The second method is using plain git.

Using GitHub UI

Go to the release the template is using (gazou’s template is using release v0.3.3):

main page

Click on the associated tag:

release tag

This will take you back to the repository in the state it was when the release was made.

You should look at the .gitmodules file to see where are the git submodules located. gazou’s .gitmodules looks like this:

[submodule "third-party/QHotkey"]
	path = third-party/QHotkey
	url =

gazou has a single submodule in third-party/QHotkey.

You should return to the root of the repository. You must click on the correct link (or use your browser’s “back” button):


If you click on the link crossed out on the picture, you will return to master and you will no longer be browsing the repo at the specified commit.

You should go to the directories where the submodules should be:

submodule commit

You should also make sure that you are still checked out to the release. The green box shouldn’t contain master or main. It should be a tag.

Click on the submodule. You will be taken to the submodule in the commit it was pinned to when the release of the template you’re packaging (here gazou) was made.

The URL will now contain the commit hash:

Here the commit hash is


This hash is usable, but you should make sure that the commit isn’t tied to a tag. Tags should be preferred over commit hashes because they are nicer, shorter and more descriptive.

Finding out submodule’s tag


If the submodule has no tags (like in the picture below):

no tags

You can skip this step and go to getting the archive while using the commit hash you got before.

To find out whether a commit is tied to a tag, click on the top commit:

tag commit

You should see one or more tags listed:

commit tags

If you see no tags listed, return to the repository (depicted in the first picture of this section when excluding the info notice) and proceed with getting the archive.

You should take note of the commit hash of the commit. We know the commit hash from before, but it’s highlighted here in green again for good measure (it is a shortened version of it).

You should check all of the tags mentioned (there may be only a single one or multiple like in the screenshot). We check them to see whether the examined commit (here eb7ddab) is tied to a tag.

We first click on the tag 1.5.0:

tag 1.5.0

commit 1.5.0

The commit hash doesn’t match eb7ddab. 1.5.0 isn’t the correct tag. Let’s try 1.4.2:

tag 1.4.2

commit 1.4.2

eb7ddab, that’s our commit. This means that tag 1.4.2 is the same as the commit eb7ddaba57b108f99c2fefcd4eb23cef9c0ed681. We can therefore use tag 1.4.2 instead of the commit hash. Click on the tag (highlighted in green) and proceed with instructions.

If there isn’t a tag tied to the commit (it is on the picture, but it might not be in the project you’re packaging), return to the root of the repo while preserving the checkout like before and proceed with getting the archive.

Getting the archive

Click on “Code” and copy the link for downloading ZIP:

get link

This is the link to download the submodule.


If you get the following link:

i.e. something containing refs/heads and not refs/tags or a commit hash, you have followed the instructions incorrectly.

Note that void-packages prefers .tar.gz archives instead of .zip archives. GitHub has no button for that, but you can simply edit the link:

This is the resulting archive. It might contain the commit hash if the submodule is pointing to an untagged commit.

You can now proceed with adding distfiles.

Using git

Go to the root of the repository and get a git link. On GitHub, you can simply append .git to the URL to get a HTTPS link for cloning the repo. You can also use the green “Code” button. Other hosting services might require a different process to get the git link.

You should look up the release tag of the project. You can then clone the repo like this.

git clone --depth 1 --single-branch --branch <tag> <repo>

This is faster than a full clone.

You should check what submodules the repo needs. They are defined in .gitmodules in the root of the repository:

> cat .gitmodules
[submodule "third-party/QHotkey"]
	path = third-party/QHotkey
	url =

In this example, a single submodule must be downloaded. You can download it with

git submodule update --init

You can specify a path of the submodule if there are several and you only need a subset of them.

When you cd into the directory the module resides in (here it’s third-party/QHotkey), git show will show you whether the commit pinned by the submodule is associated with a tag:

commit eb7ddaba57b108f99c2fefcd4eb23cef9c0ed681 (HEAD, tag: 1.4.2) <=========
Merge: 53745ba 8584ff1
Author: Felix Barz <>
Date:   Wed Oct 21 07:10:48 2020 +0200

    Merge pull request #47 from Shatur95/fix-clang-tidy-warnings

    Fix Clang Tidy warnings

Here it is (I have highlighted it with the <========= arrow, (HEAD) without a tag will be shown otherwise). It’s in tag 1.4.2. The commit might not be tied to a tag in your package. Your program could even have several git submodules with tagged and untagged commits mixed.

If the submodule is pinned to a tag, you should use a tag instead of a commit hash.

You now have to construct the archive link. The following instructions are valid for GitHub only, you will have to adjust it if the package isn’t hosted on GitHub.

A tagged archive link looks like this:<repo owner>/<repo name>/archive/refs/tags/<TAG>.tar.gz

An untagged archive link looks like this:<repo owner>/<repo name>/archive/<COMMIT>.tar.gz

For QHotkey it looks like this:

Adding the submodule to distfiles

Now you should have a link to an archive that will contain the submodule. You can add it to distfiles, but the rule about ${version} in distfile links applies for submodule distfiles too. You can’t use version because that’s the main package version, not the version of the submodule. You will have to define custom variables for versions of the submodules.

The variables should start with an underscore and they should be named after the name of the project the submodule wants to pull.

gazou pulls QHotkey, so the variable is _qhotkey_version. The _version suffix shouldn’t really be there, but it’s acceptable. _qhotkey is also a good name for the variable.

It should contain either the tag or the commit hash of the submodule.

You should then use this variable in distfiles like you would use ${version} in a normal distfile.

Extracting the submodule

The submodule has to be extracted into a specific location. You have to handle that. There are several ways to do that, none of which is superior to the others. I will show off one way to do it.

Skip extraction and extract manually

Templates can specify a skip_extraction extraction variable. It should contain a list of archives downloaded in distfiles which shouldn’t be automatically extracted. “This must match the basename of any url defined in ${distfiles}” says the Manual.

Setting this allows us to extract the archive manually into our desired location and it simplifies wrksrc1.

You can use the vsrcextract helper to extract the archive.

Here’s how gazou does it:

# Template file for 'gazou'
hostmakedepends="pkg-config qt5-qmake qt5-host-tools"
makedepends="qt5-devel tesseract-ocr-devel leptonica-devel qt5-x11extras-devel"
short_desc="Japanese and Chinese OCR application"
maintainer="jaminW55 <>"


post_extract() {
	vsrcextract -C third-party/QHotkey "${_qhotkey_version}.tar.gz"

A commit hash is used here. As I’ve shown above, a tag should be used instead because QHotkey is pinned to a tagged version in gazou. I, meator, may or may not be the creator of this template and this mistake may or may not be my fault.

Here you can see that the submodule is specified as the second distfile, it has an appropriate checksum, it’s using _qhotkey_version and it isn’t hardcoding the version in distfiles, skip_extraction is used and vsrcextract is used to extract the submodule archive to the correct place.

Another example

Another good example of using git submodules in templates is grpc. It uses the special {URL}>{name} syntax described in Manual to change the name of the downloaded archive. They are then put into skip_extraction and extracted in post_extract.


When there are multiple distfiles in a template, they are extracted into the builddir and wrksrc is set to the builddir and not to a specific distfile’s directory. This can be annoying to work with. build_wrksrc can be used to tell xbps-src which of the extracted directories should be treated as the primary one. CWD is set to build_wrksrc in some build steps.